Don’t Play Yourself: The Games Guys Play & Why You Need to Set Your Standards High

Ebony Knight
Aug 10, 2024By Ebony Knight

Don’t Play Yourself: The Games Guys Play & Why You Need to Set Your Standards High

Hey Sis, let’s get real for a minute about the games some guys love to play. We’ve all seen it, felt it, or even been through it—those smooth talkers who know just what to say, but their actions don’t match up. They’re out here wasting time, playing mind games, and trying to see how far they can push you before you catch on. But, Queen, let me tell you why you need to set your standards high and stop letting these clowns play in your face.

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The Games They Play

We’ve all dealt with them at some point—the ones who are all about the chase but disappear when it’s time to get real. They’ll hit you up, talking about how much they like you, how different you are, and how they’ve never met anyone like you before. But when it’s time to make plans, they’re suddenly “busy” or just can’t seem to lock down a date. Sound familiar?

Then there are the guys who love to keep you on the hook. They give you just enough attention to keep you interested but never enough to really move the relationship forward. It’s like they’re always “almost there,” but something always gets in the way—work, timing, their ex, whatever excuse they can come up with. But the truth is, Sis, if a man wants to be with you, he will make it happen. Point blank.

Why They Do It

Why do they play these games? Because they can. Because they’re testing the waters to see how much you’ll put up with, how far you’ll go to keep them interested. Some of them are just out here for fun, not looking for anything serious, and instead of being straight up about it, they’ll string you along for as long as you let them.

They’re not thinking about your feelings, your time, or your future. They’re thinking about themselves and what they can get out of the situation without having to commit. It’s selfish, and it’s toxic. And it’s up to you to put a stop to it.

Set Your Standards, Sis

Here’s where you take back your power: **set your standards**—for yourself, for your relationship, and for your partner. Your standards are your boundaries, your expectations, your non-negotiables. They’re the things you refuse to compromise on because you know your worth and you’re not about to let anyone waste your time.

When you set your standards high, you’re telling the world that you know what you deserve, and you won’t settle for less. You’re not here for games; you’re here for something real. And if he’s not ready to meet those standards, then he’s not the one for you.

Excited newly engaged couple take selfie

Why Standards Matter

Setting standards isn’t about being picky or demanding—it’s about protecting your peace, your time, and your heart. When you have clear standards, you’re less likely to fall for the games because you see them for what they are. You’re not getting caught up in sweet talk or empty promises because you know that actions speak louder than words.

Your standards also set the tone for your relationship. They let your partner know what you expect and what you won’t tolerate. And trust me, the right man will respect those standards. He’ll step up to meet them because he knows you’re worth it.

How to Set Your Standards

First, get clear on what you want and need in a relationship. What are your deal-breakers? What are your must-haves? Be honest with yourself about what you need to feel loved, respected, and secure. 

Next, communicate those standards. Don’t be afraid to let him know what you’re about from the start. If he’s not on the same page, it’s better to find out early on than to waste months or years trying to make something work that never will.

Finally, stick to your standards. Don’t lower them just because you’re afraid of being alone or because you think he’ll change. You’re too valuable to be settling for less than you deserve.

Conclusion: Know Your Worth, Sis

At the end of the day, the only way to avoid getting played is to know your worth and demand the respect you deserve. The games will keep coming, but when you set your standards high, you won’t be falling for them. You’ll be too busy living your best life, waiting for the right one who’s ready to step up and treat you like the queen you are.

Don’t let these guys waste your time. Set your standards, protect your heart, and remember that you deserve nothing less than the best.