Welcome to

Words By E

A place for inspiration, healing, and peace.

Sis, listen up!

Writing ain't just about grammar and essays. It's a powerful tool to heal and boss up on your mental well-being. It’s raw, real, and straight from the heart. Putting your feelings into words helps you see things clearer and helps you process the pain.

Writing can be your superpower, reminding you that you’ve got the strength to overcome anything. When therapy wasn’t an option for me, writing was my go-to, and it’s a major part of my coaching style. Explore my site for some inspiration on your healing journey and sign up for one of my courses today!


Healing yourself from trauma or a bad break up seems impossible, but it's easier said than done with an experienced coach on your side. In addition to my insprational blog and self-paced healing courses, I also offer coaching assistance to aid you on your healing journey. I'm here to guide you through using the power of words to heal yourself, find your voice, and transform your life.

Self Pace Courses & Workbooks

Take this self pace course to calm you anxiety struggles today!

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Get your self-love mindfulness journal  and start your commitmnet to self-care today!

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 Grab your copy of my self-care planner and start keeping track of all your self-care needs today!

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Ask E

Readers reach out all the time and ask for advice on love, over coming trauma, and/or personalized poetry. Have any request? Feel free to leave me a message. I am here to help any way I can.

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